First time I was ever attending SXSW in Austin this year. It was fantastic! Overall I really enjoyed it. I did feel like a few others that the panels were a bit lackluster. Panels I attended that I enjoyed included: After the Brief, Bullet Tooth Web Design, Stop Designing Products (probably my favorite), Worldchanging, Design Patterns, Making Ideas Stick, and Getting Unstuck. Helvetica was fantastic. Type nerdery at its best.
Being a South by newbie, I enjoyed meeting web luminaries, making new friends, and eating Texas BBQ. Plans are set for next year, and I came away with many things to mull over and digest. Primarily the impending wave of mobile usage. The mobile panels I attended left me unfulfilled. My guess is they’ll be much better next year.
It also prompted me to finally get on Technorati. (I did enjoy Tantek’s history of the web via t-shirts too.) Here’s my Technorati profile, lame as it currently is. Who knows, maybe weblebrity awaits? 😉 Yeah right.
Also, I’m thinking about what to do next with my personal site. I kind of like having this separate from my online portfolio. It makes for an excellent division between church and state if you will… I was hoping to try and have something ready for the May 1 CSS Reboot, but things have gotten busy on the home and work front so it will need to wait until later. Maybe November…
I still don’t get Twitter.