Recent writing
Stray neural firings captured as words and (maybe) pictures. Sometimes design-related, usually topical, and often useless within nanoseconds of being published.
I self-published two low-content books with hand-drawn illustrations on Amazon KDP. Now I'm sharing the real time and costs involved in making them. Spoiler: It’s not easy money!
A simple and tasty granola recipe for your everyday eating enjoyment.
Working cross-functionally is challenging. Some thoughts I've had on the topic.
My take on the question of, "Do designers need to know how to code?"
What is User Experience (UX)? That’s a big question and a lot of considerably more talented people have tackled this subject much better and more eloquently than I probably can.
2013 edition of with a responsive design, showcasing the my work and thoughts, focusing on simplicity and personal branding.
Considered a masterpiece in fine art book printing, The Kelmscott Chaucer is inspiring to anyone who has the opportunity to view it.