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From paper to progress: How UX Design increased Seminary registration by 250%

Making registration easy—and fast!—for everyone


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Designed a mobile-first, user-friendly online registration tool for a religious scripture study class (Seminary).

Role and Team

  • Product Designer ✋
  • Product Owner
  • 4 Key Business Stakeholders
  • 6+ Engineers


  • User research
  • Journey mapping
  • Personas
  • Responsive design
  • Design thinking
  • Communication
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Design system creation

Outcomes and Impact

  • Registrations exceeded targets by 250%
  • Streamlined leader workflow
  • Improved user satisfaction for families, leaders, and administrators


Struggling with a paper-based student registration system for a religious scripture study class (Seminary), we designed a user-friendly, online tool. The result? A massive increase in registrations and a faster, happier user experience for families, leaders, and administrators.

The problem

Signing up for Seminary classes used to be a tedious task. Families filled out paper forms, local leaders managed the logistics, and church staff struggled with data input and planning. We needed a smoother and more efficient way to register students.

Who we helped

  • Families: Parents and guardians wanted a fast and easy way to register their children.
  • Local Leaders: Ward and stake leaders oversaw registration and needed a simpler system.
  • Church Staff: Staff needed better data to plan for class sizes and teacher assignments.

My role

  • Talked directly with parents and leaders to understand their needs (think quick interviews!).
  • Focused on a mobile-first responsive design for on-the-go registration.
  • Created wireframes to show the registration process and get everyone on board.
  • Worked closely with the engineering team to make sure the online tool was fast and user-friendly.
  • To ensure clear communication with the development team, I created a style guide outlining design elements. A precursor to today’s design systems.

The Impact

  • Registrations skyrocketed! We saw a 250% increase in signups within 9 months, exceeding our initial target.
  • 75% of targeted students registered within 6 weeks, making the process much faster.
  • We designed a dashboard for leaders to track registration progress – a feature they love!
  • Families and leaders raved about the new system, with comments like “It was so easy!”

Key Learnings

  • Even a little user research can make a big difference in user satisfaction and project success.
  • Strong UX leadership involves teamwork, clear communication, and problem-solving to deliver great user experiences.