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Empowering Recognition: Exploring New Frontiers for Culture Cloud Initiatives

Uncovering user needs and challenges


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We explored new features to increase market traction for Culture Cloud Initiatives, a product that helps leaders create positive workplace cultures.

Role and Team

  • Product Designer ✋
  • Product Manager
  • UX Researcher
  • Engineering Lead
  • 3-4 Engineers


  • User research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Prototyping
  • User testing

Outcomes and Impact

  • Identified client needs and concerns regarding leader empowerment and billing for non-standard spending
  • Discussed potential solutions like enhanced reporting and user permission controls

The Challenge

Initiatives is a product from O.C. Tanner, aimed at improving workplace culture by providing leaders with a way to utilize their discretionary budgets for purpose-driven recognition opportunities.

Problem Statement

We challenged ourselves to find innovative features that would make Culture Cloud Initiatives even more attractive to the market.

Users and Audience

The users of this product are client administrators and individual leaders who are looking to encourage culture building and create behavioral habits through recognition opportunities.

Roles and Responsibilities

The team consisted of myself (Product Designer), a Product Manager, and a team of 4-6 Engineers. I worked closely with the Product Manager and Engineering Lead to brainstorm concepts. I then built clickable prototypes that we used in feedback sessions with business stakeholders and clients to validate our ideas for evolving the product.

Scope and Constraints

We had a small group of clients on the legacy platform and fewer on the new one. Our focus was to build new functionality that incentivized clients to migrate.


  • We gathered insights from user research, competitive analysis, and client and stakeholder interviews.
  • Collaborated with the product manager to prioritize features based on user needs and business goals.
  • Created and tested high-fidelity clickable prototypes using our design system to gather user feedback and iterate on the experience.

Outcomes and Learnings

The project wasn’t completed, but our work resonated with internal stakeholders and clients. Our exploration revealed valuable insights into client concerns about leader empowerment and billing complexities for non-standard spending became apparent. We discussed several potential solutions such as: enhanced reporting, user permissions, and cost code implementation.