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Upgrading timekeeping: modern touchscreen with biometric login

Outdated time clocks frustrate everyone


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SwipeClock upgraded their time clocks with a modern touchscreen and fingerprint login system.

Role and Team

  • Lead Product Designer ✋
  • Product Manager
  • 4+ Engineers
  • Executive leadership
  • Department leadership


  • User research
  • UX design
  • UI visual design
  • Prototyping
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • User testing
  • Mentoring

Outcomes and Impact

  • Multi-million dollar sales, exceeding projections and contributing to company growth
  • The UX and biometrics improved the clock-in/out process, saving customers time and money on payroll

Designing a modern solution

SwipeClock’s time clock systems were stuck in the past. The old technology limited features and frustrated employees, partners, and SwipeClock itself. We took on the challenge of creating a new time clock that was user-friendly, efficient, and affordable. Here’s what we did:

  • User Research: We talked to small business owners and SwipeClock partners to understand their needs.
  • Modern Interface: We designed a simple and clear touchscreen interface, similar to smartphones and tablets, for easy navigation.
  • Fingerprint Power: Biometric login with fingerprint recognition sped up the clock-in/out process for employees.
  • Seamless Integration: The new system seamlessly connected with SwipeClock’s existing software for effortless timekeeping and scheduling.

Big results for SwipeClock

The new time clock was a game-changer!

  • Sales Success: It became the company’s best-selling time clock in years, driving multi-million dollars in sales. It still ranks as one of their top-selling time clocks years later.
  • Payroll Savings: The fingerprint login reduced “buddy punching” (employees clocking in for others), saving businesses money.
  • Improved Efficiency: The touchscreen interface streamlined the clock-in/out process for employees during high throughput time periods (start/end of shifts and breaks.)
  • Acquisition Boost: SwipeClock’s success with this product contributed to a private equity acquisition shortly after launch.

My role

As the Lead Product Designer on this project, I wore many hats:

  • Understanding Needs: I worked with product managers to research user needs and pain points.
  • Designing the Future: I designed the user interface, focusing on a user-friendly and efficient experience.
  • Building a Team: I collaborated with engineers, sales, and support teams to ensure the design met everyone’s needs.
  • Learning Together: I mentored junior team members on the engineering and product teams on user experience principles.

Lessons learned

This project showcased the power of:

  • User-Centered Design: By prioritizing user needs, we created a product that people loved to use.
  • Adaptability: We made the most of existing technology to deliver a modern solution within tight budget constraints.
  • Collaboration: Working together across departments and with partners ensured a successful outcome.

The real success story here is the demonstration of the impact of strong product design leadership and cross-functional collaboration with support from executive, department, and functional leadership.