Seminary registration: A UX success story

Developing a web-based registration tool, available in 11 languages, led to a 250% increase in student registrations within 9 months.


of targeted students registered in 6 weeks


of targeted registrations in 9 months

From paper to digital: Streamlining global student registration

We faced a cumbersome, error-prone registration system for our Seminary program—a religious scripture study class. Parents filled out paper forms, local leaders managed logistics, and Church staff grappled with manual data entry. We needed a smoother, more efficient way to register students globally.

I led the design of a responsive, web-based registration tool available in 11 languages at launch. Our goal: Make registration so simple that parents could complete it in under a minute on a mobile phone.

As the UX Lead, I:

  1. Conducted guerrilla user interviews to understand parent and local leader needs
  2. Created wireframes and a simplified user journey map to visualize the registration flow
  3. Collaborated closely with developers to ensure a performant, user-friendly experience
  4. Developed “D.I.G.“ (Design Implementation Guidelines)—an early version of a design system—to streamline communication with the engineering team

Given our tight 3-4 month timeline, we had to move fast. I spent two weeks on rapid user research, creating personas and a journey map. Key insights emerged:

  1. Globally, parents were busy and often only had access to mobile phones
  2. We needed to support registering multiple students at once
  3. Pre-populating data could speed up the process
  4. Local leaders wanted to monitor registration progress

These insights drove our design decisions, focusing on a mobile-first, efficient experience.

Rapid adoption: Exceeding global registration targets

The project launched on time and was a resounding success:

  • Registered 75% of the 120,000 targeted students within 6 weeks
  • Within 9 months, we saw a 250% increase in registrations (over 300,000 students – more than 75% of all eligible students worldwide)
  • The leadership dashboard, almost cut from the project, became a hugely popular feature

One comment I heard repeatedly: “It was so easy! We were done and had everyone registered in a week. I loved it!”

User-centered design: Transforming global processes

Key learnings for me from this transformative project:

  1. Even limited user research can dramatically boost outcomes and user satisfaction in global projects
  2. Strong UX leadership requires creating a collaborative team environment, ensuring clear cross-functional communication, and proactively addressing challenges across cultural boundaries
  3. Simplifying complex processes can lead to unexpected benefits and user enthusiasm, regardless of geographical location

This project exemplified the transformative power of user-centered design, turning a tedious, paper-based, global process into a seamless experience that streamlined registration and exceeded business goals across multiple countries and languages.


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