Transmogrifying the missionary experience: From paper to pixels

We modernized the Missionary Portal for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, slashing immunization data entry time by 50% and pioneering digital mission calls. Our responsive web app, launched in 11 languages, revolutionized the missionary experience for tens of thousands of missionaries across 400+ missions worldwide.
Sample screens from the Missionary Portal section for Immunization Record


faster immunization data entry

Digital calls

for missionaries, saving costs

Tackling unreliable data and outdated processes

The Church’s Missionary Training Center (MTC) medical staff had lost faith in their immunization data. Confusing forms led to inaccuracies, causing wasted time and potential mission reassignments. Additionally, the process of receiving mission calls via postal services was costly and inefficient. We set out to overhaul the entire Missionary Portal, addressing these challenges while aligning with the new Global Visual Style Guide.

Assembling a cross-functional powerhouse

Our diverse team brought together UX design (me), product and project management, engineering (3 front-end, 5 back-end, 1 test engineer), and a Solution Manager overseeing resources and budget. We collaborated closely with medical advisors to reimagine the immunization tool and pioneered the digital mission call process.

Deep dive into user needs

We conducted focus groups with missionaries at the Provo MTC, gaining crucial insights into their portal experience, especially regarding immunizations. This user-centric approach informed our design decisions and helped us create intuitive interfaces for diverse user groups.

Crafting three intuitive, error-reducing interfaces

We built a responsive UI that cut immunization input time by 50%. Our solution included three distinct experiences:

  1. For missionaries and families: Clear guidance for accurate data entry
  2. For MTC medical staff: Efficient immunization data review dashboard
  3. For medical advisors: Streamlined global vaccination requirement management

Pioneering digital mission calls

We introduced digital mission calls, transforming an outdated postal process into an efficient, cost-effective digital experience. This innovation saved the Church significant resources, which could be redirected to humanitarian and administrative needs.

A healthier, more efficient future for global missions

The impact rippled across the Church’s operations:

  • Restored trust in immunization data
  • Improved vaccine ordering and preparedness
  • Streamlined mission call process
  • Reduced costs and environmental impact

Lessons in global UX transformation

This project highlighted the power of deep user research and cross-functional collaboration in solving complex, global challenges. By understanding diverse stakeholders and becoming versed in immunology, we created a solution serving a worldwide audience while addressing local nuances. It showed how thoughtful UI improvements and process digitization can have far-reaching impacts on efficiency, trust, and resource allocation.


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